Recap of Networking Events

The May Networking Event was lots of fun! We held a dinner at P.F. Changs in Edina and had a great group of SWE members attend! The food was amazing and the restaurant atmosphere was very lively. We were able to talk about SWE, current jobs and family life while having a great time. We plan to have a din-ner club event as a monthly occurrence and we hope you are able to join us!!

Exciting upcoming events!

As summer approaches, the networking events will be held outside to enjoy the great weather; rooftop happy hours, patio dinners, etc. More events are currently being planned for the upcoming months; check your weekly announcements for future events! If you have any suggestions for events, please email [email protected].

Transition Membership
Know anyone that is graduating college? Let them know that they might be eligible for a free transition membership from collegiate to professional! SWE-MN is offering transition memberships to students graduating from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, University of St. Thomas, St. Cloud University, and Minnesota State University - Mankato. Please pass this information to graduating students, and they can contact the Membership Committee for steps to apply at [email protected].

Give a SWE presentation!
To help with our membership growth goal, we would like to challenge our current members to give a SWE presentation at their place of employment to try and recruit new members. The presentation will be given to you and you can either do the presentation yourself or have a member of the SWE-MN Executive Council help you out. If you are interested, please contact us through our email at [email protected].

Interested in joining SWE-MN?

It's pretty easy! All you have to do is visit, and fill out the online application. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of SWE, or need help joining, please feel free to email us at [email protected].

Some of the networking and social events we host include:

  • Monthly lunches, including the north, east, and south metro and Rochester
  • Dinner club at various restaurants
  • Happy hours
  • Activities such
  • Exclusive events for new members and recent graduates
  • Activities such as bowling
  • Annual winter party, with cookie and ornament exchange

    We look forward to seeing you join us at an upcoming event in the near future!

    If you have any great ideas for future networking events in the Twin Cities, please email us at [email protected]. We are always up for trying new events!

    New Members
    We'd like to extend a warm welcome to our
    newest members. We look forward to seeing you at
    an event soon!

    Maura Steblay
    Aneecia Vernessa Payne
    Duo Wang
    Aimee Willoz
    Christy Thompson
    Amanda Baker
    Rachel Housker
    Lea Johnson
    Molly Johnson
    Mercy Mamman
    Heidi Mielke
    Nicolle Paulson