Ever wonder why women leave engineering? Have you ever wondered do other women feel the same way about their careers as I do?

The Athena Factor- Reversing the Brain Drain by Sylvia Ann Hewlett, founder of the Center for Work-Life Policy, will be presenting a 120 page study on this very subject. The Minnesota High Tech Association (MHTA) is please to bring Sylvia to talk about this pressing issue. This conference and presentation will be targeted at mangers and executives in major companies in the MHTA. This is a great way to share with your employer this information as well as what can be done to help women stay in STEM careers, which will be an executive panel led by Virginia Connolly, President of SWE. To get a taste of the Athena Factor, please go to the Minnesota SWE Community under Resources and look for Spring PD Seminar Athena Factors Presentation.

When: Wednesday, April 15th, 2009
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 PM The Athena Factor - Reversing the Brain Drain
2:00 - 3:00PM The Athena Factor: Follow Up
Cost: Please see MHTA Spring Conference website for details on cost.
Mention "Athena Factor" for a discount.
Where: Minneapolis Convention Center
Address: 1301 2nd Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55403
RSVP: Please RSVP to [email protected]

Questions: Contact Holli at [email protected], or visit for more details.

Click here for the conference's agenda