Interested in becoming a SWE-MN sponsor?
The sponsorship levels are as follows:
Platinum: $10,000 and up
Gold: $5000 - $9999
Silver: $2,000 - $4,999
Bronze: $500 - $1,999
Below is the list of services that come with each donation level. Upon receipt of donation, a company will automatically be put into the appropriate level. A company will stay in this level until the end of the next fiscal year, June 30th. To further explain this, here are two examples:
A. Company X gave $5,000 in November 2008, so that means Company X is a Gold member immediately and at the beginning of FY10. Then in January 2010, the company donates $10,000. In January 2010, the company becomes a Platinum member because its total donations for FY11 are $10,000. The company will stay a Platinum member until the end of FY12, June 30th, 2011. Then let’s say that this company X only gives $2,000 in FY12 (in July 2011), then on July 1, 2012 (the beginning of FY13), the company will drop down to Silver member status.
B. Company Y did not donate in FY09 so at the beginning of FY10, the company is not any type of a member. In February 2010, the company donates $1000, automatically making them a Bronze member. Then in April 2010, the company donates $2,000 more, meaning they donated $3,000 in total for FY10. In April 2010, the company automatically becomes a Silver member and will stay a Silver member until the end of FY11 (June 30, 2011). If the company does not donate any money during FY11, on July 1, 2011, company Y is no longer any type of member until they donate more than $500.
Description of Sponsorship Levels
- During events that the company entirely sponsors, SWE-MN will advertise that exclusively the sponsoring company. The company’s name will be displayed on as many items as possible (signs, t-shirts, pencils, etc.).
- A topic of a professional development event can by driven by the company (SWE-MN will organize the event, while the company provides a place and topic).
- Recognition on SWE-MN's website. The company logo will be presented, with the logo hyperlinked to a website the company chooses.
- Recognition in every SWE-MN newsletter. The company logo will be presented in every newsletter, with the logo hyper linked to a website the company chooses.
- Verbally thanked at every SWE-MN event.
- The company's logo will be showcased in every professional development survey and slideshow (used in professional development and outreach events).
- The company will be presented a certificate at the end of the year awards banquet.
- A topic of a professional development event can by driven by the company (SWE-MN will organize the event, while the company provides a place and topic).
- Recognition on SWE-MN's website. The company logo will be presented, with the logo hyperlinked to a website the company chooses.
- Recognition in every SWE-MN newsletter. The company logo will be presented in every newsletter, with the logo hyper linked to a website the company chooses.
- Verbally thanked at every SWE-MN event.
- The company's logo will be showcased in every professional development survey and slideshow (used in professional development and outreach events).
- Recognition at end of the year awards banquet.
- Recognition in SWE-MN's website; the company's name will be displayed in a text format.
- Recognition in every SWE-MN newsletter; the company's name will be displayed in a text format.
- The company's name will be showcased in every professional development survey and slideshow (used in professional development and outreach events).
- Recognition at the end of the year awards banquet
- Recognition in SWE-MN's website; the company's name will be displayed in a text format.
- Recognition once in a SWE-MN newsletter; the company's name will be displayed in a text format.
- Showcased at the end of each SWE-MN slideshow (used in PD and Outreach events)
- Recognized at the end of the year awards banquet
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE), founded in 1950, is a not-for-profit educational and
service organization. SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable
career aspiration for women. SWE empowers women to succeed and advance in those
aspirations and be recognized for their life-changing contributions and achievements asengineers and leaders.
IRS 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, Federal Tax ID # 41-1648805