Society of Women Engineers

News from the COR (Council of Representatives)





Vi Brown, SWE National President, has laid out her goals for the year.  Her key objectives are:


 Planning & execution


Professional development


Enhanced member benefits


Planning the 2006 E-week in which SWE is the leading organization


SWE is under a new organizational structure this year.  We our now led by a Region Governor.  Nora Lin is the Region H governor and her goals include to revise the bylaws for the region, update the website, start a succession plan for the region and provide section vitality to at least 4 sections.


National Conference is October 13-16 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Please refer to the calendar for any information regarding conference.  It is very close to home so we hope to see lots of SWE-MN members in attendance!  The COR meeting will be held October 16 from 10am-6pm and all members are invited. 


The Board of Directors has passed the FY05 budget and has developed a risk management procedure in conjunction with the budget.  By monitoring the risk management the Board will be able to make midstream corrections to the budget if the revenues do not meet the projections.



After the hiccup with the first attempt of the web broadcast of the Professional Development event �Advance your Career from the Cubicle to the Corporate Office� went off without a hitch.  Due to the overwhelming response, SWE has left the webcast up on the national website where you will be able to watch the rebroadcast at your convenience.



The Region H Election Results are as follows:

Deputy director - Stacy DelVeccio (Central Illinois)
Secretary - Alyse Stofer (Minnesota)
Representative to the National Nominating Committee - Debra Evans (Chicago Regional)



The FY05 Board of Director members will be as follows including the members that are continuing:

President - Violette Brown (Region B)

President-Elect - Ronna Robertson Frazier (Region E)

Secretary - Joan Graf (Region I)

Treasurer - Anne M. Lucietto (Region H)


- Stacey Culver (Region C)
Michelle F. Tortolani (Region E)
Elizabeth (Libby) Allman (Region I)
Jude Garzolini (Region J)

- April Lauper, PE (Region C)

Director of Regions - Naomi Brill (Region H)

COR Speaker - Virginia Connolly, PE (Region B)

FY05 Board of Trustees will be as follows including continuing members:

- Carolyn Phillips (Region C)
Marge Inden (Region E)
Dorothy Morris (Region E)
Martha Sloan (Region H)

- Judy Simmons (Region G)
Kathryn Mueller Cunningham (Region H)



The FY05 Council of Representives from the Minnesota Section are: Alyse Stofer and Elizabeth Bierman.  If you have any questions for the COR, email [email protected].


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